HomeSystemsWhat is kernel in computing?

What is kernel in computing?

When most people think of computer operating systems, they think of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with windows, icons, and menus. However, before GUIs were common, the kernel was the only graphical interface users saw. The kernel is the core of an operating system; it manages hardware resources and provides essential services for applications.

What is Kernel In Computing

In computing, a kernel is the central component of most computer operating systems; it is a bridge between applications and the actual computing hardware. The kernel provides basic services for all other software components; it handles memory management, input/output operations, and process scheduling. 

On traditional mainframe and server computers, the kernel often resides in a low-level system firmware or BIOS image that is executed at startup. The kernel is also responsible for security by controlling access to system resources.

The kernel is usually implemented as a set of code that runs in privileged mode, meaning it has access to all the system's resources. It can't be accessed by standard applications, providing a level of security for the system.

History of Kernels

The history of kernels begins with early computer systems. In these systems, the kernel was responsible for managing all system resources. The first kernels were created in the 1960s as part of university research projects, written in assembly language, and provided primary services.

In 1971, Dennis Ritchie wrote the first version of Unix with a kernel called "monolithic," meaning that it was a single piece of software that handled all operations. This design was inefficient and led to many problems. In 1973, Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs developed C, helping release a new Unix version with a modular kernel that could be divided into separate parts. This design was much more efficient and became the standard for modern operating systems.

With the advent of modern operating systems, kernels have become much more complex. Today's kernels provide a wide range of features, including support for multitasking and multithreading, networking, and security.

The Kernel Key Functions

Kernel's essential function is managing I/O application requests, ensuring that data is transferred correctly between devices and memory. Also, kernels can provide virtual memory, pre-emptive multitasking, and multithreading. 

So, expanding on this, the kernel provides critical functions that allow operating systems to run smoothly and efficiently. These functions include:

  • Process management: The kernel manages all the processes running on the system. It allocates CPU time and memory and ensures that each process has its own address space.
  • Device drivers: The kernel provides drivers for all the devices attached to the system. These drivers allow devices to communicate with the operating system and each other.
  • File systems: The kernel provides a variety of file systems, including ext2, ext3, ReiserFS, and XFS. These file systems allow users to store data on the hard disk drive.
  • Networking: The kernel provides networking support for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

Process management

The kernel's most common services are process management, including CPU and memory management. CPU process management includes creating and managing processes and allocating resources to them. Memory management includes assigning and managing memory and providing ways for programs to share data.

Device Drivers

Device drivers are software components that allow the operating system to interact with specific hardware devices. These drivers are typically installed as part of the operating system installation process but can also be added later if needed. They are written specifically for the hardware they support, meaning they must be updated when new hardware is released.

Device drivers are a vital part of the kernel. Without device drivers, the kernel would not be able to do anything. They allow an operating system to control devices such as printers, network cards, and hard disks. Device drivers usually communicate with the kernel through a special device file or a character device. Their code must comply with a set of specifications, which is written in C.

File System

The kernel provides various file systems which allow an operating system to read, write, and execute files. Windows uses the NTFS file system, Apple uses the HFS Plus file system, and Linux uses a variety of different file systems. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. The NTFS file system is speedy and supports features like encryption and compression. However, it is not as widely used on non-Windows systems as the HFS Plus file system. The HFS Plus file system is widely used on Macs, but does not support features like encryption and compression. 

Linux kernels provide a variety of file systems, including the standard ext2 and ext3, the ReiserFS journaling file system, and the XFS high-performance filesystem. They also have their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, ReiserFS is faster than ext2 but less tolerant of errors, while XFS is more tolerant of errors but slower. In addition, different distributions may default to other file systems; for example, Fedora Core 6 defaults to ReiserFS while Ubuntu defaults to ext3.

Summarizing Kernel File Systems in Linux:

  • ext2: A very basic, reliable file system.
  • ext3: A journaled version of ext2 that offers enhanced performance and reliability.
  • ReiserFS: A fast, efficient file system with good security features.
  • XFS: A modern, high-performance file system.


Networking on the operating systems is implemented using a networking stack, which resides in the kernel-mode address space of the operating system. The networking stack provides various services that allow applications to send and receive network packets.

The networking stack is responsible for providing networking functionality to applications, and it includes a variety of networking protocols, including IPv4, IPv6, TCP, and UDP. This networking stack is also responsible for providing interfaces to different network devices, such as Ethernet cards and wireless adapters.

The Linux kernel, for example, has a long history of supporting networking. The first version of the Linux kernel was released in 1991 and included support for TCP/IP networking. Since then, the Linux kernel has continued to evolve and include new features and technologies. In recent years, a lot of development work has been done on the Linux kernel networking stack to improve performance and add new features.

Types of Kernels

There are three primary types of kernels: monolithic, microkernel, and hybrid. 

Monolithic kernels handle basic input/output operations and application execution all in one program. This type of kernel is not as efficient as a microkernel, but it is simpler to develop and maintain. However, adding new features or fixing bugs makes it more difficult.

A microkernel is a smaller kernel that delegates tasks to separate processes, which can be run on separate hardware cores. This type of kernel is more efficient than a monolithic kernel, but it is more complex to develop and maintain. 

A hybrid kernel combines features of both a monolithic and microkernel. Kernels built on hybrid architectures, like the Linux kernel, are designed to be modular, meaning they can only load the components they need into memory.

Wrap up

In conclusion, the kernel is a vital component of computers and operating systems. It is responsible for managing hardware and software resources, ensuring that all components work properly. Its performance can affect the overall usability of the system. The kernel is also responsible for securing and protecting the system from unauthorized access or interference.

An operating system can read, write, and execute files using the kernel's file systems. Windows, Apple, and Linux use a variety of different file systems.

While there are many types of kernels, they all serve a similar purpose. Monolithic kernels are found on older systems, while most modern systems use microkernels.

Juan Mulford
Juan Mulford
Hey there! I've been in the IT game for over fifteen years now. After hanging out in Taiwan for a decade, I am now in the US. Through this blog, I'm sharing my journey as I play with and roll out cutting-edge tech in the always-changing world of IT.

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