HomeBlogThe first post of 2020

The first post of 2020

Okay... I’ve been idle for a while around here. This is not only my first post the year but also, my first post after several weeks of being inactive. Last year was kind of strange for me. I was comfortable with the job I was doing and glad about the opportunity to have lots of hardware and software resources to play around, have ideas for new posts, and write them down, but all of a sudden, things changed.

In the last months of the previous year, I was working on a comprehensive series of posts about VMware, Workstation, AWS, and new categories I wanted to add to my blog. But some personal situations started slowing everything down to the point that I just quit writing (here). Another reason is that I stopped my job at the start-up company I started working two years ago. Because of this, I lost (some) motivation related to my every-day tech operations and tasks -but for some reason, I haven't stopped dreaming and thinking virtualization (Podcast help a lot). Besides, I have been traveling more than I used before, making it difficult to organize my ideas and to keep the pace about blogging.

Probably, the coolest thing that could happen to me last year was to start working at StorageReview.com. But this job is an additional cause of my blogging inactivity here; the task with them hasn’t consumed all of my time, but I think I am using all my "writing brain and time" with them. Nevertheless, I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to work with these guys, that since the beginning of my storage and virtualization career, I used to read them from time to time, and they have been influencing my IT spirit. I also want to invite and to go a read some of my articles over there.

For all of these reasons, last year, the dynamic of how I use to do several things and processes changed! However, I am ready to come back to action. All these being said, I will retake some old topics I have in my draft folder, and commence working on new ones, from some essential topics (concepts) to more elaborated and advanced ones.

Happy New Year 2020!

Juan Mulford
Juan Mulford
Hey there! I've been in the IT game for over fifteen years now. After hanging out in Taiwan for a decade, I am now in the US. Through this blog, I'm sharing my journey as I play with and roll out cutting-edge tech in the always-changing world of IT.

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