HomeConsumer & SMBQuick Fix: MS Teams Call Drop Issues During Screen Sharing

Quick Fix: MS Teams Call Drop Issues During Screen Sharing

While using Windows 11 and Microsoft Teams I ran into a hitch: my calls kept dropping during screen sharing. Despite reinstalling, the issue lingered. Surprisingly, the fix was straightforward, though not initially obvious.

Problem: Call Drop Issues During Screen Sharing

I recently upgraded to the latest version of Microsoft Teams, released at the beginning of November, and since then, I've been grappling with an inconvenient issue. Specifically, during one-on-one calls initiated from the chat, the call consistently drops shortly after I begin screen sharing. It's worth noting that I'm running Windows 11.

It was incredibly frustrating, especially when I had to present something critical during a meeting—my calls kept dropping consistently.

Surprisingly, I never encountered such problems with Teams before. I haven't tried using the web app yet, but I assume it wouldn't be different. Despite attempting to resolve the issue by reinstalling the Teams desktop app, the problem persisted.

Solution: Disabling HDR on Windows 11

As it turns out, the solution was quite straightforward but not immediately apparent. I discovered that disabling my monitor's HDR (High Dynamic Range) resolved the issue completely.

Note: If you don’t have an HDR monitor, this shouldn't be the solution for the drop problem

Disabling HDR on Windows 11 can vary slightly depending on your specific system and display settings, but generally, you can follow these steps:

  • Click on the Start button (Windows icon) in the taskbar, click on the gear-shaped Settings icon, or press Win + I to open Settings directly.
  • Immediately, you should be brought to Systems. From Systems, click on Display.
  • Toggle HDR Off: From the latest version of Windows 11, the HDR setting should be located on the top. Under Use HDR, toggle HRD off.
Disabling HDR in Windows 11
  • After making the changes, close the Settings window. Restart if Necessary.

Depending on your system and display, there might be additional settings related to HDR in other sections of the Settings app. Explore any relevant options to make sure HDR is completely disabled.

This solution worked for me, considering I have an HDR monitor. It's an issue I wouldn't have expected.

Juan Mulford
Juan Mulford
Hey there! I've been in the IT game for over fifteen years now. After hanging out in Taiwan for a decade, I am now in the US. Through this blog, I'm sharing my journey as I play with and roll out cutting-edge tech in the always-changing world of IT.

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