Home Virtualization VMware Could not download from depot at zip… Error extracting index.xml

Could not download from depot at zip… Error extracting index.xml

Could not download from depot at zip… Error extracting index.xml


Could not download from depot at zip

While using offline software bundles, you are unable to install an async driver or latest upgrades on the ESXi host using the command line (CLI).

You see:

  • Could not download from depot at zip
  • Error extracting index.xml
  • No such file or directory

Example from an ESXi upgrade attempt.

[root@ESXi:~] esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.7.0-20190402001-standard -d /vmfs/volumes/5afa57a0-5eb07a05-89f7-001b21bc2484/update2.zip
 Could not download from depot at zip:/vmfs/volumes/5afa57a0-5eb07a05-89f7-001b21bc2484/update2.zip?index.xml, skipping (('zip:/vmfs/volumes/5afa57a0-5eb07a05-89f7-001b21bc2484/update2.zip?index.xml', '', "Error extracting index.xml from /vmfs/volumes/5afa57a0-5eb07a05-89f7-001b21bc2484/update2.zip: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/vmfs/volumes/5afa57a0-5eb07a05-89f7-001b21bc2484/update2.zip'"))
        url = zip:/vmfs/volumes/5afa57a0-5eb07a05-89f7-001b21bc2484/update2.zip?index.xml
Please refer to the log file for more details.

Possible solutions:

  • If you are performing an online upgrade, verify the gateway and DNS settings of your ESXi host.
  • Ensure that the OS driver/datastore is not full. If it is, try freeing space.
  • Make sure your ESXi host is in maintenance mode
  • Check and double-check the esxcli command syntax.
  • Do not run the command from the datastore location. The path specified must be absolute, ensure to use the full path to the zip file.
  • Try using a local ESXi datastore.
  • Try using the Datastore UUID.

Example of a proper command line:

  • vib updates:

esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/vib_update.zip
  • Version upgrades:

esxcli software profile update -p Image_Profile_Name -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/ESXi_Upgrade_File.zip

Image Profile Names (Ex. for ESXi 6.7 U2):

  • ESXi-6.7.0-20190402001-standard
  • ESXi-6.7.0-20190402001-no-tools
  • ESXi-6.7.0-20190401001s-standard
  • ESXi-6.7.0-20190401001s-no-tools

Choose your profile image according to the downloaded version, check the VMware release notes for the latest updates and official label.


  1. I am using an absolute path but it produces the same error. I am able to cd to each of the levels successfully so it is not a typo…frustrating…:

    [root@localhost:~] cd vmfs
    [root@localhost:/vmfs] cd volumes
    [root@localhost:/vmfs/volumes] cd InternalRAID6
    [root@localhost:/vmfs/volumes/5db984ee-64230b9b-a683-801844ef8366] cd Updates
    [root@localhost:/vmfs/volumes/5db984ee-64230b9b-a683-801844ef8366/Updates] cd \

    [root@localhost:~] esxcli storage vmfs extent list
    Volume Name VMFS UUID Extent Number Device Name Partition
    ————- ———————————– ————- ———————————— ———
    InternalRAID6 5db984ee-64230b9b-a683-801844ef8366 0 naa.6d094660379c840023f2cbb9237ee95d 1

    [root@localhost:~] esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volumes/InternalRAID6/Upd
    Could not download from depot at zip:/vmfs/volumes/InternalRAID6/Updates/ESXi670-201912001.ZIP?index.xml, skipping ((‘zip:/vmfs/volumes/InternalRAID6/Updates/ESXi670-201912001.ZIP?index.xml’, ”, “Error extracting index.xml from /vmfs/volumes/InternalRAID6/Updates/ESXi670-201912001.ZIP: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/vmfs/volumes/InternalRAID6/Updates/ESXi670-201912001.ZIP’”))
    url = zip:/vmfs/volumes/InternalRAID6/Updates/ESXi670-201912001.ZIP?index.xml
    Please refer to the log file for more details.


  2. I have faced the same issue before, and it seems the problem was that the datastore name having some white space, then i renamed into a signle word and it solved my problem.

    datastore name before: datastore1 (1)
    datastore name after: datastore1_esx1

  3. I ran this to install the FLING community drivers on ESXi 7. It says there isa problem..refer to the log. Where would the log be?

    [root@node71:~] esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/384e78af-04d45456/iso/USBNIC/ESXi800-VMKUSB-NIC-FLING-61054763-component-20
    VIB VMW_bootbank_vmkusb-nic-fling_1.11-1vmw.800.1.20.61054763 requires vmkapi_2_10_0_0, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.
    VIB VMW_bootbank_vmkusb-nic-fling_1.11-1vmw.800.1.20.61054763 requires vmkapi_incompat_2_10_0_0, but the requirement cannot be satisfied within the ImageProfile.
    Please refer to the log file for more details.

  4. Could not download from depot at zip:/vmfs/volume/634c4469-60864260-3c61-00be43 8e3049/Release_28.0.zip?index.xml, skipping ((‘zip:/vmfs/volume/634c4469-6086426 0-3c61-00be438e3049/Release_28.0.zip?index.xml’, ”, “Error extracting index.xml from /vmfs/volume/634c4469-60864260-3c61-00be438e3049/Release_28.0.zip: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/vmfs/volume/634c4469-60864260-3c61-00be438e3049/ Release_28.0.zip'”))

    Thi is what I am getting after repeated trials from the datastore location and from the root directory. I used:
    esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volume/634c4469-60864260-3c61-00be438e3049/Release_28.0.zip.
    esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volume/634c4469-60864260-3c61-00be438e3049/Release_28.0.zip.

    Please help me out in installing driver for my Intel Dual port NIC card (PT1000 Server Adapter)


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