HomeBlogVDI Design Guide - A Must Read for VDI Architects!

VDI Design Guide - A Must Read for VDI Architects!

VDI Design Guide

Ok, I just got my new must-read book before this year ends…

How I got to the book

I know if I want to move to the next level of VDI, I need to study hard all the new technologies covering it. In my opinion, it is tough, because VDI is what I call “a big topic.” There is so much to know about it, and its technologies are evolving so fast, that people are having a hard time being VDI-All-Around experts.

One of the last podcasts of Virtually Speaking Podcast was about the “The Year of VDI,” where the hosts interviewed and discussed with Johan Van Amersfoort and Marco van Baggum, authors of the VDI Design Guide book.

Out of curiosity, I went straight to Amazon to check the book. I took a first glance at the table of contents and fell in love with the book immediately.

About the book

I got my copy yesterday, and after finishing the first chapter, couldn't be happier. This book is written to help to understand the big picture of designing VDI, which I consider is one of the most demanding IT solutions to deploy (from the bottom to the top.)

The book contains, of course, a lot of topics that I am already very familiar with. But, is an excellent complementary guide to all the other VDI topics that I haven’t had the time to study, due to those aren’t my current focus of research and test. Issues such as vGPU, NSX, Security, In-depth HA and Monitoring for VDI, are ones of my interested now.

Note: I was surprised and happy to find as co-author of this book, Sean Massey which I follow and reference in some of my posts.

What else I am reading now

Another cool book from my current collection is the new version of (vSphere 6.7) Clustering Deep Dive from Duncan Epping. (Kindle version). Even though I am not reading it at the moment, it is an excellent reference for specifics and futures test configurations.

The funny thing is that I am also reading Start with why, from Simon Sinek. A book that is also referenced in the VDI Desing Guide and which I agree is a must read before starting any project or making an important decision.

I am a slow reader ;), but honestly, I always reading many documents at the time and never get my mind up to focus only on one. Hope I can finish these soon.

Juan Mulford
Juan Mulford
Hey there! I've been in the IT game for over fifteen years now. After hanging out in Taiwan for a decade, I am now in the US. Through this blog, I'm sharing my journey as I play with and roll out cutting-edge tech in the always-changing world of IT.

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