HomeBlogStorage Magazine Article: Eliminating the VDI price/performance bottleneck

Storage Magazine Article: Eliminating the VDI price/performance bottleneck

In the past, storage was the chief concern when deciding to run a VDI project... and still is. VDI has improved a lot by almost taking the boot storms and spiky IOPS periods out of the equation, these with the use of flash storage (AFA systems), but at what cost?

"The storage demands of VDI are so high that even all-flash storage systems that are dependent on NVMe or NVRAM caching for low-latency I/O can fail to deliver a user experience that leads to a successful VDI implementation.

At AccelStor there is no cache. Only metadata is temporarily stored in global memory, so all write blocks are direct to disk - meaning all reads come directly from disk as well. This cache-less design means all I/O goes straight to/from the SSD media at near-cache speeds, significantly increasing performance, lowering latency, and providing better data resiliency than traditional cache-based systems."

Want to know:

  • What is the story behind AccelStor?
  • What are the AccelStor’s benefits?
  • What is a true flash-optimized storage array?
  • What is FelxiRemap technology?

Take a look at the full article from the Storage Magazine which I co-authored.

Storage Magazine: Eliminating the VDI price/performance bottleneck

Juan Mulford
Juan Mulford
Hey there! I've been in the IT game for over fifteen years now. After hanging out in Taiwan for a decade, I am now in the US. Through this blog, I'm sharing my journey as I play with and roll out cutting-edge tech in the always-changing world of IT.

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