I tried to scan new created LUNs from my storage array and for unknown reasons one of the ESXi hosts my cluster couldn’t find targets, where all the other server could. Previously all the server could see all my targets with no issues. Still not sure what happened.
I tried:
- Restarting the services.
- Rebooting the ESXi server
- Rebooting the vSphere Client host
- Unmapping LUNs from the target, adding new LUNs and new targets.
What worked for me was cleaning up the whole iSCSI configuration from the ESXi server. For doing so, just copy and paste (or input) the following command lines via the ESXi shell.
- Go to the iSCSI directory: cd /etc/vmware/vmkiscsid
- Disable the iSCSI initiator: esxcfg-swiscsi–d
- Delete iSCSI initiator configuration: rm -fiscsi iscsid.conf vmkiscsid.db
After doing so, reboot the ESXi host, then add the iSCSI initiator again and configure the storage network.